Mariem Felly, Sponsorship Assistant
January 13, 2013
I joined Save the Children as a sponsorship assistant 6 months ago and am enjoying working in the field I love most!
I usually go to the impact area of Abnoub every day to follow up on the correspondence between sponsors and children. On the way to Abnoub, I pass by the famous basil farms and smell the amazing aroma of the basil, which farmers spread out on the sides of the road to be sun dried.
During one of my visits to Abnoub, one of the girls in the sponsorship program said she wanted to tell me a secret. I bent down and listened, and she asked me to do her a favor. She needed my help to make up with her friend who she had annoyed and wanted to tell she was sorry. It is so touching to see children having pure feelings for each other.
When I asked this little girl about her Save the Children sponsor, her face lit up and she said, “Julia is my friend and she sends me letters. I love to write back to her because she sends me special things, and she tells me stories in her letters.”
I have found that correspondence strengthens the relations between sponsors and children, providing knowledge and motivating children to learn. I asked this girl, “What is the special thing you want to write to your sponsor?” Her reply was amazing. She said, “I will learn English and will write the letters myself in her language.” This is how correspondence encourages children to learn and develop their skills.
After having a long talk with this child, I learned that children are like basil. You smell their wonderful aroma when you are on your way to support them.